Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gift Ideas for elementry school kids

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is Littlest Pet Shop?

Littlest Pet Shop is a toy franchise owned by Hasbro. An animated television series based on the franchise by Sunbow Productions and Creativite et Developpement debuted in 1995. It follows the lives of five miniature animals. They live in a pet shop on Littlest Lane and have their own treehouse inside of the store. Littlest Pet Shop was a popular line of Kenner toys; later a few sets based on the show were released. Several lines of toys were produced from 1992-1996. In 2005, toy designer Gayle Middleton redesigned Littlest Pet Shop toy line for Hasbro bringing a fresh new look which has made it one of Hasbro's most successful line-ups. Frankly, my nieces and nephews know more about this than I do but when Im looking for a gift for one of them I always start whith the littlest pet shop toys be cause they seem to enjoy them and they are ecmonimical so if the dog or cat decides to play Godzilla in the littest pet shops treehouse, you will not feel like your waisting your money. Part of the rave is that they can go on the pet shop web site and enter a special code to revial information regarding their special little pet. If you would like more information regarding them you might find what your looking for by using the following key words: littlest pet shop,hasbro pet shop,little pet shop,littlest pet shop hasbro,littlest pet shop pet, littlest pets shop, littlest pet shop figures, my littlest pet shop, the littlest pet shop, www littlest pet shop, littlest pet shop online. One word of advice-fallow the age guildelines.

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